Freelancers, entrepreneurs, and side-hustlers use about.me to grow their audience and get more clients.
Freelancers, entrepreneurs, and side-hustlers use about.me to grow their audience and get more clients.
Category: Consumer
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC III
Founded By: Tony Conrad, Ryan Freitas
CEO: Tony Conrad
M&A: Broadly (Feb. '19)
ADstruc is helping brands and digital agencies buy Out Of Home advertising online.
ADstruc is helping brands and digital agencies buy Out Of Home advertising online.
Category: B2B Applications & Services
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC II
Founded By: John Laramie, Josh Warrum
CEO: John Laramie
M&A: Project X (Oct. 16)
Animoto democratizes video creation for consumers and businesses.
Animoto democratizes video creation for consumers and businesses.
Category: B2B Applications & Services
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC II
Founded By: Brad Jefferson, Jason Hsiao, Stevie Clifton, Tom Clifton
CEO: Brad Jefferson
M&A: Redbrick (Aug. '23)
August builds smart home access products and services.
August builds smart home access products and services.
Category: Hardware
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC III
Founded By: Jason Johnson, Yves Béhar
CEO: Jason Johnson
M&A: Assa Abloy (Oct. '17)
BetterDoctor is the origin of accurate doctor data for doctor offices and health plans.
BetterDoctor is the origin of accurate doctor data for doctor offices and health plans.
Category: Marketplaces
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC III
Founded By: Ari Tulla, Tapio Tolvanen
CEO: Ari Tulla
M&A: Quest Analytics (Jun. '18)
Bitly is a Link Management Platform that offers tools, data and analytics to marketers.
Bitly is a Link Management Platform that offers tools, data and analytics to marketers.
Category: B2B Applications & Services
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC II
Founded By: John Borthwick, Nathan Folkman
CEO: Mark Josephson
M&A: Spectrum Equity (July '17)
Bleacher Report is the leading sports culture media company.
Bleacher Report is the leading sports culture media company.
Category: Consumer
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC II
Founded By: Dave Finocchio, Alexander Freund, Bryan Goldberg, Dave Nemetz
CEO: Brian Grey
M&A: Time Warner (Aug. '12)
Blekko offers a web search engine and social news platform that provided users with curated links for the entered search criteria.
Blekko offers a web search engine and social news platform that provided users with curated links for the entered search criteria.
Category: Consumer
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC II
Founded By: Bryn Dole, Bob Truel, Keith Peters, Greg Lindahl, Rich Skrenta, Mike Markson
CEO: Rich Skrenta
M&A: IBM (Mar. '15)
Blink Booking helps travelers in Europe book hotels at the last minute by providing a daily selection of four hotels at discount rates.
Blink Booking helps travelers in Europe book hotels at the last minute by providing a daily selection of four hotels at discount rates.
Category: Marketplaces
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC III
Founded By: Rebecca Minguela
CEO: Rebecca Minguela
M&A: Groupon (Sep. '13)
BrightRoll builds software that automated and improved digital video advertising globally.
BrightRoll builds software that automated and improved digital video advertising globally.
Category: SaaS
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC I
Founded By: Tod Sacerdoti, Dru Nelson
CEO: Tod Sacerdoti
M&A: Yahoo (Nov. '14)
Britely is a contextual browser plugin that allows users to save and organize their preferred web content.
Britely is a contextual browser plugin that allows users to save and organize their preferred web content.
Category: B2B Applications & Services
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC II
Founded By: Justin Label, David Cowan, Johan Sundström, Ranjit Padmanabhan
CEO: Val Agostino
M&A: Groupon (Feb. '13)
Buysight offers ShopperConnect™, an online display advertising network that provided solutions for brand and performance advertisers.
Buysight offers ShopperConnect™, an online display advertising network that provided solutions for brand and performance advertisers.
Category: B2B Applications & Services
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC II
Founded By: Navdeep Saini, Shaukat Shamim, Stanley Wong
CEO: Armin Ebrahimi
M&A: AOL (Dec. '12)
Byliner publishes original fiction and non-fiction e-shorts that can be read in two hours or less.
Byliner publishes original fiction and non-fiction e-shorts that can be read in two hours or less.
Category: Consumer, Marketplaces
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC III
Founded By: John Tayman
CEO: Deanna Brown
M&A: Macmillan (Sep. '14)
Card.io powers mobile credit card scanning.
Card.io powers mobile credit card scanning.
Category: Developer Tools & Infrastructure
Partner: Charles Hudson
Fund: SoftTech VC III
Founded By: Mike Mettler, Josh Bleecher-Snyder
CEO: Mike Mettler
M&A: PayPal (Jul. '12)
Chariot is reinventing mass transit for commuters, companies, and fun-seekers with reliable and affordable service.
Chariot is reinventing mass transit for commuters, companies, and fun-seekers with reliable and affordable service.
Category: Marketplaces
Partner: Stephanie Palmeri
Fund: SoftTech VC IV
Founded By: Ali Vahabzadeh, Romain Di Vuolo
CEO: Ali Vahabzadeh
M&A: Ford (Sep. '16)
Charlie's text-based financial AI that worries about money so you do not have to.
Charlie's text-based financial AI that worries about money so you do not have to.
Category: Consumer
Partner: Stephanie Palmeri
Fund: SoftTech VC V
Founded By: Ilian Georgiev, Robert Luedeman, Ivo Parashkevov
CEO: Ilian Georgiev
M&A: Chime (Aug. '21)
Chartbeat's content intelligence platform helps media companies understand reader engagement.
Chartbeat's content intelligence platform helps media companies understand reader engagement.
Category: B2B Applications & Services
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC II
Founded By: Tony Haile
CEO: John Saroff
M&A: Cuadrilla Capital 2022
Circle of Moms is a parenting social network for mothers to share stories, problems, and tips of motherhood.
Circle of Moms is a parenting social network for mothers to share stories, problems, and tips of motherhood.
Category: Consumer
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC II
Founded By: Ephraim Luft, Mike Greenfield
CEO: Ephraim Luft
M&A: Sugar Inc. (Feb. '12)
Clever is a platform for educational software used in 70,000 K-12 schools.
Clever is a platform for educational software used in 70,000 K-12 schools.
Category: SaaS
Partner: Stephanie Palmeri
Fund: SoftTech VC III
Founded By: Tyler Bosmeny, Daniel Carroll, Rafael Garcia
CEO: Tyler Bosmeny
M&A: Kahoot! (May '21)
Coin is a consumer electronics and financial technology startup.
Coin is a consumer electronics and financial technology startup.
Category: Consumer, Hardware
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC III
Founded By: Karthik Balakrishnan, Kanishk Parashar
CEO: Kanishk Parashar
M&A: Fitbit (May '16)
Curse is a global multimedia and technology company that created content and products for gamers.
Curse is a global multimedia and technology company that created content and products for gamers.
Category: Consumer
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC II
Founded By: Hubert Thieblot
CEO: Hubert Thieblot
M&A: Twitch (Aug. '16)
Dashbase helps realtime communications companies deliver high quality services by making VoIP data and application logs accessible and useful to everyone involved with service delivery.
Dashbase helps realtime communications companies deliver high quality services by making VoIP data and application logs accessible and useful to everyone involved with service delivery.
Category: Developer Tools & Infrastructure
Partner: Andy McLoughlin
Fund: SoftTech VC V
Founded By: John Wang and Alex Munk
CEO: Alex Munk
M&A: Cisco (Jan. '21)
Divebell is a content aware solution for discovering and monitoring personal data to automate enterprise data privacy and security.
Divebell is a content aware solution for discovering and monitoring personal data to automate enterprise data privacy and security.
Category: B2B Applications & Services
Partner: Andy McLoughlin
Fund: Uncork VI
Founded By: Vikram Shrowty, Ashish Shrowty, Jeremy Mailen
CEO: Vikram Shrowty
M&A: Exterro (Nov '23)
DocSend is a content management and tracking solution that helps sales and marketing teams be more efficient.
DocSend is a content management and tracking solution that helps sales and marketing teams be more efficient.
Category: B2B Applications & Services
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC IV
Founded By: Tony Cassanego, Dave Koslow, Russ Heddleston
CEO: Russ Heddleston
M&A: Dropbox (Mar. '21)
Dogster is a social space where dog lovers come together and share about dog behavior, dog health and photos of their dogs.
Dogster is a social space where dog lovers come together and share about dog behavior, dog health and photos of their dogs.
Category: Marketplaces
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC I
Founded By: John Vars, Steven Reading, Ted Rheingold
CEO: Ted Rheingold
M&A: SAY Media (Aug. '11)
Escher Reality provides cross-platform, multi-user, multisession AR experiences with its cutting edge backend services
Escher Reality provides cross-platform, multi-user, multisession AR experiences with its cutting edge backend services
Category: Developer Tools & Infrastructure
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC V
Founded By: Ross Finman, Diana Hu
CEO: Ross Finman
M&A: Niantic (Feb. '18)
Estately makes it easy to find and buy a home online.
Estately makes it easy to find and buy a home online.
Category: Consumer
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC II
Founded By: Galen Ward, Doug Cole
CEO: Galen Ward
M&A: NRT (Apr. '15)
Helping content creators grow and engage their fan audiences.
Helping content creators grow and engage their fan audiences.
Category: Consumer
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC II
Founded By: Noah Dinkin & Spencer Richardson
CEO: Noah Dinkin
M&A: ConvertKit (Apr. '21)
Farmeron is developing a cloud-based dairy herd & farm business management software.
Farmeron is developing a cloud-based dairy herd & farm business management software.
Category: SaaS
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC III
Founded By: Marko Dukmenic, Matija Kopic
CEO: Matija Kopic
M&A: Virtus Nutrition (Aug. '16)
Fatherly is the leading digital brand for modern-day parents.
Fatherly is the leading digital brand for modern-day parents.
Category: Consumer
Partner: Stephanie Palmeri
Fund: SoftTech VC IV
Founded By: Mike Rothman, Simon Isaacs
CEO: Mike Rothman
M&A: Some Spider Studios (Mar. '20)
Flux is an internal mobility platform that engages, develops, and retains your workforce.
Flux is an internal mobility platform that engages, develops, and retains your workforce.
Category: B2B Applications & Services
Partner: Andy McLoughlin
Fund: SoftTech VC V
Founded By: Nick Ionita, Max Goodberg, Wei Wei
CEO: Nick Ionita
M&A: Beamery (Apr. '22)
Foodzie is an online marketplace that allowed individuals to discover and buy food directly from artisan producers.
Foodzie is an online marketplace that allowed individuals to discover and buy food directly from artisan producers.
Category: Consumer
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC III
Founded By: Rob LaFave, Emily Olson, Nik Bauman
CEO: Rob LaFave
M&A: Joyus (Jun. '12)
FounderDating is a network of entrepreneurs focusing on connecting with professionals and skilled individuals.
FounderDating is a network of entrepreneurs focusing on connecting with professionals and skilled individuals.
Category: Consumer
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC III
Founded By: Jessica Alter
CEO: Jessica Alter
M&A: Onevest (Jul. '16)
FreshPlanet is a social, casual gaming company developing online games for the iPad and Facebook.
FreshPlanet is a social, casual gaming company developing online games for the iPad and Facebook.
Category: Consumer
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC II
Founded By: Mathieu Nouzareth, Romain Nouzareth
CEO: Mathieu Nouzareth
M&A: Gameloft (Dec. '18)
Friend.ly is a social Q&A site allowing users to post questions on different subjects and get answers from the community.
Friend.ly is a social Q&A site allowing users to post questions on different subjects and get answers from the community.
Category: Consumer
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC II
Founded By: Ed Baker, Joachim de Lombaert, Bryan Guillemette
CEO: Ed Baker
M&A: Facebook (Oct. '11)
Fritz.ai is a developer platform to deploy and manage machine learning algorithms at the edge.
Fritz.ai is a developer platform to deploy and manage machine learning algorithms at the edge.
Category: Developer Tools & Infrastructure
Partner: Andy McLoughlin
Fund: SoftTech VC V
Founded By: Jameson Toole, Dan Abdinoor
CEO: Dan Abdinoor
M&A: (Sep. '21)
The Mixerlabs GeoAPI provides application developers with the ability to query the world.
The Mixerlabs GeoAPI provides application developers with the ability to query the world.
Category: Consumer
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC II
Founded By: Othman Laraki, Elad Gil
CEO: Elad Gil
M&A: Twitter (Dec. '09)
GetSatisfaction is a community platform that fosters online conversations about a company's products and services.
GetSatisfaction is a community platform that fosters online conversations about a company's products and services.
Category: B2B Applications & Services
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC II
Founded By: Lane Becker, Thor Muller, Jonathan Grubb, Amy Muller
CEO: Rahul Sachdev
M&A: Sprinklr (Apr. '15)
Gnip provides social media data for customers in sectors such as social media monitoring, business intelligence, government, and finance.
Gnip provides social media data for customers in sectors such as social media monitoring, business intelligence, government, and finance.
Category: B2B Applications & Services
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC II
Founded By: Jud Valeski, Eric Marcoullier
CEO: Chris Moody
M&A: Twitter (Apr. '14)
Groove is an all-in-one sales engagement platform.
Groove is an all-in-one sales engagement platform.
Category: B2B Applications & Services
Partner: Susan Liu
Fund: SoftTech VC V, Uncork Plus II
Founded By: Austin Wang, Alex Kerschhofer, Chris Rothstein
CEO: Chris Rothstein
M&A: Clari (Aug. '23)
Grovo is a technology company redefining learning for today's fast-changing workplace.
Grovo is a technology company redefining learning for today's fast-changing workplace.
Category: B2B Applications & Services
Partner: Stephanie Palmeri
Fund: SoftTech VC III
Founded By: Jeff Fernandez, Nick Narodny, Surag Mungekar
CEO: Steven Carpenter
M&A: Cornerstone OnDemand (Nov. 18)
Guildery enables designers and consumers to create and customize fabrics and home decor.
Guildery enables designers and consumers to create and customize fabrics and home decor.
Category: Consumer, Marketplaces
Partner: Stephanie Palmeri
Fund: SoftTech VC IV
Founded By: Shane Reilly, Kelly Berger
CEO: Shane Reilly
M&A: Minted (Mar. '16)
Handshake is the mobile sales and B2B eCommerce platform that helps manufacturers and distributors grow distribution.
Handshake is the mobile sales and B2B eCommerce platform that helps manufacturers and distributors grow distribution.
Category: B2B Applications & Services
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC III
Founded By: Glen Coates, Mike Elmgreen
CEO: Glen Coates
M&A: Shopify (May '19)
Headnote is the fastest growing payment platform for the legal industry.
Headnote is the fastest growing payment platform for the legal industry.
Category: B2B Applications & Services
Partner: Stephanie Palmeri
Fund: SoftTech VC V
Founded By: Sarah Schaaf, Thornton Schaaf, Matt Crampton
CEO: Sarah Schaaf
M&A: ASG LegalTech (Sep. '20)
Hired is a career matching platform that intelligently connects outstanding technology workers with the world's most innovative companies.
Hired is a career matching platform that intelligently connects outstanding technology workers with the world's most innovative companies.
Category: Marketplaces
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC III, SoftTech VC Plus
Founded By: Allan Grant, Douglas Feirstein, Matt Mickiewicz, Mehul Patel
CEO: Mehul Patel
M&A: Vettery (Nov '20)
Hoodline is building the nearby button of the internet.
Hoodline is building the nearby button of the internet.
Category: Consumer
Partner: Charles Hudson
Fund: SoftTech VC IV
Founded By: Andrew Dudley, Eric Eldon
CEO: Razmig Hovaghimian
M&A: Ripple News (Sep. '16)
Identify3D provides IP protection, quality assurance, and tracability for digital manufacturing.
Identify3D provides IP protection, quality assurance, and tracability for digital manufacturing.
Category: B2B Applications & Services
Partner: Andy McLoughlin
Fund: SoftTech VC V
Founded By: Joe Inkenbrandt, Stephan Thomas
CEO: Joe Inkenbrandt
M&A: Materialise (Sep. '22)
Isocket offered an ad technology platform that is focused on buying and selling fixed price inventory.
Isocket offered an ad technology platform that is focused on buying and selling fixed price inventory.
Category: Marketplaces
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC II
Founded By: John Ramey
CEO: John Ramey
M&A: Rubicon Project (Nov. '14)
Kaboodle is a shopping site that lets users list their preferred products on the web.
Kaboodle is a shopping site that lets users list their preferred products on the web.
Category: Consumer
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC I
Founded By: Keiron McCammon, Chetan Pungaliya, Manish Chandra
CEO: Manish Chandra
M&A: Hearst (Aug. '07)
KeyNexus provides enterprise and cloud encryption key management-as-a-service.
KeyNexus provides enterprise and cloud encryption key management-as-a-service.
Category: Developer Tools & Infrastructure
Partner: Andy McLoughlin
Fund: SoftTech VC IV
Founded By: Jeff MacMillan
CEO: Jeff MacMillan
M&A: StorMagic (Apr. '20)
Koan's Modern Leadership Platform enables organizations to turn strategy into action, aligning your workforce using collaborative OKRs and built-in management best practices.
Koan's Modern Leadership Platform enables organizations to turn strategy into action, aligning your workforce using collaborative OKRs and built-in management best practices.
Category: B2B Applications & Services
Partner: Andy McLoughlin
Fund: SoftTech VC V
Founded By: Matt Tucker & Scott Campbell
CEO: Matt Tucker
M&A: Fountain (Nov. '21)
Kongregate is a leading mobile game publisher and web gaming portal.
Kongregate is a leading mobile game publisher and web gaming portal.
Category: Consumer
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC I
Founded By: Jim, Greer, Emily Greer
CEO: Emily Greer
M&A: GameStop (Jul. '10)
LiveRamp made it easy and safe to use marketing data anywhere.
LiveRamp made it easy and safe to use marketing data anywhere.
Category: SaaS
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC I
Founded By: Auren Hoffman, Dan Scudder, Travis May
CEO: Auren Hoffman
M&A: Acxiom (May. '14)
Manifest is the first automated advertising platform that used your product feed to show the right product to the right customer.
Manifest is the first automated advertising platform that used your product feed to show the right product to the right customer.
Category: B2B Applications & Services
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC III
Founded By: Selcuk Atli
CEO: Bob Buch
M&A: Rakuten Inc. (Feb. '16)
Mashery is providing API management services that enable companies to leverage web services as a distribution channel.
Mashery is providing API management services that enable companies to leverage web services as a distribution channel.
Category: Developer Tools & Infrastructure
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC I
Founded By: Oren Michels, Clay Loveless, Scott Rafer, Kirsten Spoljaric
CEO: Oren Michels
M&A: Intel (Apr. '13)
Maya’s Mom is a social interactive site enabling parents to share their thoughts via “journals” and receive general parenting advice.
Maya’s Mom is a social interactive site enabling parents to share their thoughts via “journals” and receive general parenting advice.
Category: Consumer
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC I
Founded By: Ann Crady-Weiss
CEO: Ann Crady-Weiss
M&A: BabyCenter (Aug. '07)
Merlin is a mobile jobs platform for hourly workers.
Merlin is a mobile jobs platform for hourly workers.
Category: Marketplaces
Partner: Stephanie Palmeri
Fund: SoftTech VC V
Founded By: Güimar Vaca Sittic, Borja Moreno de los Rios, William Guillouard
CEO: Güimar Vaca Sittic and Borja Moreno de los Rios
M&A: Commure (Jul. '20)
Mesmo, Inc. is the leading developer of social and mobile games.
Mesmo, Inc. is the leading developer of social and mobile games.
Category: Consumer
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC II
Founded By: Davin Miyoshi, Jesse Hull, Debarshi Kar
CEO: Davin Miyoshi
M&A: GSN (May '10)
Milo enables shoppers to research products online and buy locally while tracking real-time availability and price.
Milo enables shoppers to research products online and buy locally while tracking real-time availability and price.
Category: Consumer
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC II
Founded By: Jack Abraham, Ted Dziuba, John Evans
CEO: Jack Abraham
M&A: eBay (Dec. '10)
Mint.com is the leading personal finance and budgeting tool.
Mint.com is the leading personal finance and budgeting tool.
Category: Consumer
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC I
Founded By: Aaron Patzer
CEO: Aaron Patzer
M&A: Intuit (Dec. '09)
Mob.ly provides advanced mobile application development services and infrastructure.
Mob.ly provides advanced mobile application development services and infrastructure.
Category: Consumer
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC II
Founded By: Mihir Shah, Yishai Lerner
CEO: Mihir Shah
M&A: Groupon (May. '10)
MonkeyLearn is an easy-to-use machine learning solution that empowers companies to create new value from their data.
MonkeyLearn is an easy-to-use machine learning solution that empowers companies to create new value from their data.
Category: B2B Applications & Services
Partner: Andy McLoughlin
Fund: SoftTech VC V
Founded By: Raul Garreta, Federico Pascual
CEO: Raul Garreta
M&A: Medallia (Jan. '22)
MyBlogLog is a social network for the blogger community that is based in part on interactions facilitated by a popular web widget.
MyBlogLog is a social network for the blogger community that is based in part on interactions facilitated by a popular web widget.
Category: Consumer
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC I
Founded By: Eric Marcoullier, Todd Sampson
CEO: Scott Rafer
M&A: Yahoo! (Dec. '06)
Netvibes' platform transform browsing, sharing, and tagging into tangible business data to share, analyze, and act on in real-time.
Netvibes' platform transform browsing, sharing, and tagging into tangible business data to share, analyze, and act on in real-time.
Category: Consumer
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC I
Founded By: Tariq Krim, Pierre Chappaz, Freddy Mini
CEO: Freddy Mini
M&A: Dassault Systèmes (Feb. '12)
Next Big Sound is an online music analytics platform tracking artists’ popularity and profitability across major social networks.
Next Big Sound is an online music analytics platform tracking artists’ popularity and profitability across major social networks.
Category: Consumer
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC II
Founded By: Alex White, David Hoffman, Samir Rayani
CEO: Alex White
M&A: Pandora (May. '10)
Niche works with creators worldwide alongside top brands to develop authentic and resonating branded content.
Niche works with creators worldwide alongside top brands to develop authentic and resonating branded content.
Category: Marketplaces
Partner: Stephanie Palmeri
Fund: SoftTech VC IV
Founded By: Rob Fishman, Darren Lachtman
CEO: Rob Fishman
M&A: Twitter (Feb. '15)
Nuzzel offers personalized news discovery and curated newsletters for busy professionals
Nuzzel offers personalized news discovery and curated newsletters for busy professionals
Category: Consumer
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC III
Founded By: Jonathan Abrams, Kent Lindstrom
CEO: Jonathan Abrams
M&A: Scroll (Nov. '18)
Ohloh API helps to create applications and web services based on Open Hub data.
Ohloh API helps to create applications and web services based on Open Hub data.
Category: Developer Tools & Infrastructure
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC II
Founded By: Jason Allen, Scott Collison
CEO: Scott Collison
M&A: SourceForge (May. '09)
Outright is an online book keeping application for small businesses to track their income and expenses.
Outright is an online book keeping application for small businesses to track their income and expenses.
Category: SaaS
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC II
Founded By: Kevin Reeth, Ben Curren
CEO: Steven Aldrich
M&A: GoDaddy (Jul. '12)
Pattern is an intelligent workspace for enterprise sales teams.
Pattern is an intelligent workspace for enterprise sales teams.
Category: B2B Applications & Services
Partner: Andy McLoughlin
Fund: SoftTech VC IV
Founded By: Derek Draper, Joshua Valdez, Zack Moy
CEO: Derek Draper
M&A: Workday (Aug. '17)
Poka is a mobile first communication and training solution for manufacturers.
Poka is a mobile first communication and training solution for manufacturers.
Category: B2B Applications & Services
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC IV
Founded By: Alexandre Leclerc, Antoine Bisson
CEO: Alexandre Leclerc
M&A: IFS (Jun '23)
Postmates is transforming the way goods move around cities by enabling anyone to have anything delivered on-demand.
Postmates is transforming the way goods move around cities by enabling anyone to have anything delivered on-demand.
Category: Marketplaces
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC III, SoftTech VC Plus
Founded By: Bastian Lehmann, Sean Plaice, Sam Street
CEO: Bastian Lehmann
M&A: Uber (Dec '20)
Redcap's platform delivers out of store experiences to a dealer’s customer, wherever they are and whenever they want it.
Redcap's platform delivers out of store experiences to a dealer’s customer, wherever they are and whenever they want it.
Category: Consumer
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC III
Founded By: David Zwick, Stephen Kelley
CEO: David Zwick
M&A: Solera Mar. '18
Rixty through its payment platform allows users to spend money on online games, virtual worlds and other types of digital content.
Rixty through its payment platform allows users to spend money on online games, virtual worlds and other types of digital content.
Category: Consumer
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC II
Founded By: Ted Sorom, Don Ferguson
CEO: Ted Sorom
M&A: MOL (Oct. '12)
Sameroom powers team-to-team messaging.
Sameroom powers team-to-team messaging.
Category: B2B Applications & Services
Partner: Charles Hudson
Fund: SoftTech VC III
Founded By: Andrei Soroker, Peter Hizalev
CEO: Andrei Soroker
M&A: 8x8 (Mar. '17)
Sapho’s modern portal surfaces personalized and relevant tasks and information to triple employee productivity.
Sapho’s modern portal surfaces personalized and relevant tasks and information to triple employee productivity.
Category: B2B Applications & Services
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC IV
Founded By: Fouad ElNaggar, Peter Yared
CEO: Fouad ElNaggar
M&A: Citrix (Nov. '18)
Scroll is a subscription service that enables an ad-free experience on the worlds best media sites.
Scroll is a subscription service that enables an ad-free experience on the worlds best media sites.
Category: B2B Applications & Services
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC IV
Founded By: Tony Haile, Kushal Dave, Sachin Doshi
CEO: Tony Haile
M&A: Twitter (May '21)
Simplifeye helps attract and retain patients, increase efficiency, and improve workflow at your dental practice
Simplifeye helps attract and retain patients, increase efficiency, and improve workflow at your dental practice
Category: B2B Applications & Services
Partner: Andy McLoughlin
Fund: SoftTech VC IV
Founded By: Ryan Hungate
CEO: Ryan Hungate
M&A: Vyne Dental (Mar. '23)
Songkick is the largest global concert database and music ticketing platform.
Songkick is the largest global concert database and music ticketing platform.
Category: Consumer
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC II
Founded By: Ian Hogarth, Pete Smith, Michelle You
CEO: Matt Jones
M&A: Warner Music Group (Jul. '17)
Spoon University is the food resource for the next generation.
Spoon University is the food resource for the next generation.
Category: Consumer
Partner: Stephanie Palmeri
Fund: SoftTech VC IV
Founded By: Sarah Adler, Mackenzie Barth
CEO: Mackenzie Barth
M&A: Scripps Network Interactive (May '17)
Sportgenic connects sport enthusiasts with products and information to fulfill their passion for sport.
Sportgenic connects sport enthusiasts with products and information to fulfill their passion for sport.
Category: B2B Applications & Services
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC II
Founded By: Robert Tas
CEO: Robert Tas
M&A: Glam Media (Jul. '10)
Stitch is a simple, powerful ETL service built for developers.
Stitch is a simple, powerful ETL service built for developers.
Category: B2B Applications & Services
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC III
Founded By: Jake Stein, Bob Moore
CEO: Jake Stein
M&A: Talend (Nov. '18)
StrikeAd offers a proprietary technology platform for agencies and advertisers to plan, execute and evaluate their mobile advertisements.
StrikeAd offers a proprietary technology platform for agencies and advertisers to plan, execute and evaluate their mobile advertisements.
Category: Marketplaces
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC III
Founded By: Alex Rahaman
CEO: Alex Rahaman
M&A: Sizmek (May '15)
TakeLessons offers a marketplace and community for lifelong learning.
TakeLessons offers a marketplace and community for lifelong learning.
Category: Marketplaces
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC III
Founded By: Steven Cox
CEO: Steven Cox
M&A: Microsoft (Sep. '21)
Tapulous is a developer and publisher of video games such as Tap Tap Revenge.
Tapulous is a developer and publisher of video games such as Tap Tap Revenge.
Category: Consumer
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC II
Founded By: Bart Decrem, Andrew Lacy
CEO: Bart Decrem
M&A: Disney (Jul. '10)
Teads invented outstream video advertising and is the no.1 video advertising marketplace in the world.
Teads invented outstream video advertising and is the no.1 video advertising marketplace in the world.
Category: Marketplaces
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC I
Founded By: Pierre Chappaz, Laurent Binard
CEO: Bertrand Quesada
M&A: Altice (Jan. '17)
Thing Labs develops web-based software that enables users to create, share, explore and enjoy content.
Thing Labs develops web-based software that enables users to create, share, explore and enjoy content.
Category: Consumer
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC II
Founded By: Simeon Simeonov, Jason Shellen
CEO: Jason Shellen
M&A: Aol (Sep. '10)
Three Rings is a game development studio focused on creating online games, including Puzzle Pirate.
Three Rings is a game development studio focused on creating online games, including Puzzle Pirate.
Category: Marketplaces
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC I
Founded By: Daniel James
CEO: Daniel James
M&A: Sega (Oct. '11)
Topguest provides social loyalty and infrastructure solutions for global loyalty programs.
Topguest provides social loyalty and infrastructure solutions for global loyalty programs.
Category: Consumer
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC II
Founded By: Geoff Lewis, Ash Fontana, Ozan Onay
CEO: Geoff Lewis
M&A: Switchfly (Dec. '11)
Trace is a collaborative spend management platform built for teams in medium to large businesses.
Trace is a collaborative spend management platform built for teams in medium to large businesses.
Category: B2B Applications & Services
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC V
Founded By: Matt Gonzalez, Mike Gonzalez
CEO: Mike Gonzalez
M&A: Paylocity (Dec '23)
TruckLabs is a trucking technology company with a mission to transform the industry through combining a first-hand understanding of trucking with technology. With more than one hundred million miles driven, we are hardware engineers, software developers and data scientists who are serious about trucking..
TruckLabs is a trucking technology company with a mission to transform the industry through combining a first-hand understanding of trucking with technology. With more than one hundred million miles driven, we are hardware engineers, software developers and data scientists who are serious about trucking..
Category: Hardware
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC V
Founded By: Daniel Burrows
CEO: Daniel Burrows
M&A: ConMet (Nov. '23)
True&Co uses data to design and engineer beautifully feminine and functional products.
True&Co uses data to design and engineer beautifully feminine and functional products.
Category: Consumer
Partner: Stephanie Palmeri
Fund: SoftTech VC III
Founded By: Dan Dolgin, Aarthi Ramamurthy, Michelle Lam
CEO: Michelle Lam
M&A: PVH (Mar. '17)
Truveo was the first video search engine.
Truveo was the first video search engine.
Category: Consumer
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC I
Founded By: Tim Tuttle, Adam Beguelin
CEO: Tim Tuttle
M&A: Aol (Dec. '05)
Ubooly builds interactive, educational toys for children.
Ubooly builds interactive, educational toys for children.
Category: Consumer
Partner: Stephanie Palmeri
Fund: SoftTech VC III
Founded By: Carly Gloge, Isaac Squires, Gavin Lee
CEO: Carly Gloge
M&A: Sphero (Jan. '16)
Userplane is a hosted social discovery platform and a white-label service providing chat and one-to-one messenger services.
Userplane is a hosted social discovery platform and a white-label service providing chat and one-to-one messenger services.
Category: SaaS
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC I
Founded By: Mike Jones, Javier Hall, Nate Thelen
CEO: Mike Jones
M&A: Aol (Aug. '06)
Ustream provides a live interactive broadcast platform, enabling the viewing of high school sporting events, concerts, conferences, talk shows and interactive games.
Ustream provides a live interactive broadcast platform, enabling the viewing of high school sporting events, concerts, conferences, talk shows and interactive games.
Category: SaaS
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC I
Founded By: Brad Hunstable, John Ham
CEO: Brad Hunstable
M&A: IBM (Jan. '16)
VigLink is a platform for monetizing ordinary links to over 30,000 retailers with technology that works across sites, apps, and social networks.
VigLink is a platform for monetizing ordinary links to over 30,000 retailers with technology that works across sites, apps, and social networks.
Category: B2B Applications & Services
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC II
Founded By: Oliver Roup
CEO: Oliver Roup
M&A: Sovrn (Dec. '18)
Visually's content creation platform enables businesses to connect with their audiences through premium visual content.
Visually's content creation platform enables businesses to connect with their audiences through premium visual content.
Category: Marketplaces, SaaS
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC III
Founded By: Lee Sherman, Adam Breckler, Stew Langille, Tal Siach
CEO: Matt Cooper
M&A: ScribbleLive (Jan. '16)
Vungle is the leading in-app video platform for performance marketers, delivering the highest value users through engaging video ads.
Vungle is the leading in-app video platform for performance marketers, delivering the highest value users through engaging video ads.
Category: B2B Applications & Services
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC III
Founded By: Jack Smith, Zain Jaffer
CEO: Rick Tallman
M&A: Blackstone (Jul. '19)
Wander is a beautiful way to share and experience the world.
Wander is a beautiful way to share and experience the world.
Category: Consumer
Partner: Stephanie Palmeri
Fund: SoftTech VC III
Founded By: Jeremy Fisher, Keenan Cummings
CEO: Jeremy Fisher
M&A: Yahoo! (Feb. '14)
Wildfire is a provider of enterprise social media marketing software.
Wildfire is a provider of enterprise social media marketing software.
Category: B2B Applications & Services
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC II
Founded By: Victoria Ransom, Alain Chuard
CEO: Victoria Ransom
M&A: Google (Jul. '12)
YourMechanic is the industry leader in mobile car repair.
YourMechanic is the industry leader in mobile car repair.
Category: Marketplaces
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: SoftTech VC III
Founded By: Art Agrawal and Dongyi Liao
CEO: Anthony Rodio
M&A: Wrench 2022
A property operations platform for the built world.
A property operations platform for the built world.
Category: B2B Applications & Services
Partner: Jeff Clavier
Fund: Uncork VI
Founded By: Hugh Kolias, Alberto Saavedra
CEO: Hugh Kolias
M&A: HappyCo (Nov. '22)
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